Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Safety Tips

‘Tis the season for friends, family and holiday feasts—but also for possible distress for our animal companions. Pets won’t be so thankful if they munch on undercooked turkey or a pet-unfriendly floral arrangement, or if they stumble upon an unattended alcoholic drink.

Check out the following tips from ASPCA experts for a fulfilling Thanksgiving that your pets can enjoy, too.

Talkin’ Turkey

If you decide to feed your pet a little nibble of turkey, make sure it’s boneless and well-cooked. Don't offer her raw or undercooked turkey, which may contain salmonella bacteria.

Sage Advice

Sage can make your Thanksgiving stuffing taste delish, but it and many other herbs contain essential oils and resins that can cause gastrointestinal upset and central nervous system depression to pets if eaten in large quantities. Cats are especially sensitive to the effects of certain essential oils.

No Bread Dough

Don't spoil your pet’s holiday by giving him raw bread dough. According to ASPCA experts, when raw bread dough is ingested, an animal's body heat causes the dough to rise in his stomach. As it expands, the pet may experience vomiting, severe abdominal pain and bloating, which could become a life-threatening emergency, requiring surgery.

Don't Let Them Eat Cake

If you’re baking up Thanksgiving cakes, be sure your pets keep their noses out of the batter, especially if it includes raw eggs—they could contain salmonella bacteria that may lead to food poisoning.

Too Much of a Good Thing

A few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, a taste of mashed potato or even a lick of pumpkin pie shouldn’t pose a problem. However, don't allow your pets to overindulge, as they could wind up with a case of stomach upset, diarrhea or even worse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreas known as pancreatitis. In fact, it’s best keep pets on their regular diets during the holidays.

A Feast Fit for a Kong

While the humans are chowing down, give your cat and dog their own little feast. Offer them Nylabones or made-for-pet chew bones. Or stuff their usual dinner—perhaps with a few added tidbits of turkey, vegetables (try sweet potato or green beans) and dribbles of gravy—inside a Kong toy. They’ll be happily occupied for awhile, working hard to extract their dinner from the toy.

Originally published by the ASPCA.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin Safety and Pets

While pumpkins are generally considered non-toxic for pets, making them a safe Halloween decoration, remember that jack-o-lanterns are a different story! Jack-o-lanterns often have lit candles inside of them, making them potentially hazardous for pets who may knock them over. Candles have open flames and hot melted wax that could do a lot of damage. We encourage you to keep jack-o-lanterns out of your pet’s reach, and consider using powered lights instead of candles. These can be purchased cheaply at most stores that sell Halloween decorations. They look almost as natural as flames but are so much safer!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's Behind Your Dog's Allergies?

What's causing your dog to itch? It's probably dog allergies. But is it food, dust mites ... or you? There are hundreds of possibilities.

Here's how to rule out some of them, and get down to the likeliest ones. Once you know what's causing the itch, you can take action to provide your dog with some much-needed relief. 

Let's get down to business. Does your dog itch all year-round, or just in certain seasons? If it's seasonal, skip to that section. 

There are only a few causes of year-round canine allergies: 
Food. This is the first thing many people think of as causing canine allergies. But it's actually one of the least likely. True food allergies are uncommon in dogs, with only about 15% of allergic dogs being allergic to food. 

A dog may be sensitive to a protein source in his food, or to the protein part of grains such as wheat, soy or corn. Wheat gluten is another one which frequently causes some dog itching and scratching problems. If you have an itchy dog, avoid foods with soy. 

Try switching to a food with a different protein source, or with a different grain content than you've been feeding. Test this food for 6 weeks and see if there's any difference. If food does seem to be the problem, rotate different foods through your dog's diet. Canine allergies develop after exposure to an ingredient, and the more exposure, the more likely an allergy will develop. 

If your dog is itching, another food-related cause may be mold. Molds grow on wheat, corn, and peanut hulls used in petfood. These produce toxic by-products called mycotoxins, which can suppress the immune system, leading to dog itching problems. 

Mold. If you live somewhere humid, or if your kitchen and bathroom are unventilated, mold spores may be causing your canine to itch. 

Mold grows wherever and whenever there is moisture. Depending on where you live and what your drainage conditions are like, this can be seasonal or year-round. The itching follows the mold growth. 

If your house has ever flooded, or if the basement gets wet, you could be in for some nasty black mold called Stachybotros. In quantity, that one can sicken and kill dogs, children and adults, too. 

Other, less toxic molds, such as Penicillium, are more common. Molds vary by region, but all can cause allergic reactions in people and animals. 

What to do? Keep the humidity low in your house by running the air conditioner regularly. Fix any leaks. Use the exhaust fan in the bathroom after showering, and, when cooking, use the one over the stove (make sure it vents outside). 

Check your air conditioning unit to make sure there's no rust buildup in the condenser pan (where the air blows over the coils and moisture condenses and drains out). Make sure the drain is unclogged, and pour a few tablespoons of bleach down the drain pipe every few months to keep it clean. To further reduce mold, install an electrostatic furnace filter and use it. (See details below.) 

There's usually no need to clean the ducts, unless you've had a severe mold problem, or if the moisture situation hasn't been resolved. 

Clean out mold, mildew and dust wherever you find it: bathrooms, mini-blinds, bookshelves, ceiling fan paddles, electronics. 

Other animals. Yes, your dog may be allergic to your cat! Male and long-haired cats put out more allergen than female and shorthaired cats. The allergen is known as FelD1 (pronounced feldy-one by those in the know). This protein is found in cat saliva, and to a lesser degree, in their anal sacs. When the cat licks himself, the saliva dries and flakes off, then floats away. 

Cat allergen is very lightweight, and very sticky. It sticks to walls, furniture, carpet and drapes. It's also a very potent allergen, and it's persistent: it'll stay active in a home environment for at least 10 years. 

Best bet: bathe the cats regularly (monthly, if they'll tolerate it). I take my cats into the shower stall with me, and use a handheld shower. Allerpet® C, and DanderSeal® are products which are supposed to seal the allergen to the body, but nothing beats a bath. 

Another great product is Allersearch X-Mite powder (order from Aller-caire, 800-547-8095). Sprinkle the powder on the carpet and furniture, let it sit a few hours, then vacuum it up. The powder contains tannic acid (from tea) to denature the cat allergen down at dog level. (It may stain white carpet and fabric, so be careful.) There's also an Allersearch spray for surfaces (not cats). A cat-allergic friend sprays the area around his chair when he visits cat families. That keeps him safe for several hours.

HEPA air filters have also been shown to trap a large amount of the cat allergen which floats through the air. (In our tests, the best is the Cloud 9® Sterile Aire®. Aller-caire has the best prices.) 

People. That's right. Your dog may be allergic to you or other family members. People put out allergen, just like cats. It's in our skin, which flakes off throughout the day and night. (Extreme case: dandruff.) The owner of an allergy testing lab for animals told me that, at one time, 40% of dogs' blood tested by his lab indicated a probable allergy to human allergen. 

The solution in this case: allergy shots. (These were discontinued for some years, due to government concern about injecting human cells into other humans in the form of allergy shots. AIDS was the worry. I understand they're available again.) 

Other dogs. As with cats and people, other dogs, birds, and furry critters are possible allergy-inducers. Again, keeping everybody clean makes a difference. One other tidbit: Dogs who spend a lot of time outside can bring pollen in on their fur. One good shake and it spreads throughout the house. Keep them clean! 

Seasonal dog allergies. This is the most common cause of dog itching and scratching. They usually develop after a couple of years of exposure, if they're going to develop at all. No one really understands why one individual will develop allergies, while the next one won't. Genetics are thought to play a part, since allergies often run in families. Repeated exposure is important, too. Other scientists theorize that it may have something to do with immunizations given at an early age, or with lack of exposure to certain diseases at an early age. We're learning a lot about the immune system, but there's a whole lot more to explore. 

Pinpointing the cause of seasonal allergies is best done with a "scratch test" at the vet's office. Pollen extracts are injected just under a shaved area of skin, and reactions are noted a few minutes later. This usually runs a few hundred dollars. 

You can zero in on some of the culprits yourself, for much less. One question to ask is, "What am I allergic to?" For some reason, people and pets are often allergic to the same things. 

If that's not the case, do a little bit of sleuthing. First, turn on your local TV news and watch the weather segment. There's a good chance they'll give an allergy report, which will tell you which pollens (or mold) are a problem that day. By tracking the daily pollen count to see what's highest when your dog is scratching, you'll have a good idea of what's causing the allergy. 

In general, though, the earliest spring pollens are the tree pollens, followed by grass pollen (which lasts into the summer). Interestingly, flower pollen is usually not a problem -- and neither is very large-sized pollen, such as from pine trees. 

Insects. When allergists talk about seasonal allergies, they're usually referring to seasonal pollens. But insects are also a seasonal issue. 

Summertime is bug season, and, when the temperature hits 80 degrees F., and the humidity hits 80%, mosquitos and fleas start to "pop." These pests bite, and their saliva gets injected under the skin. The body reacts to these alien proteins, and the skin becomes inflamed and itchy. 

Spraying a permethrin fogger in the yard (I like Raid® Yard Guard) will kill these guys nicely. (Use sparingly around cats -- high doses of permethrin can kill them.) Be sure to spray shady areas and tall grass, where mosquitos and fleas hide. 

I also recommend using one of the new wave of veterinary-sold flea products on your pets. Advantage®, Frontline Topspot®, and the new Revolution® are all very effective and safe for dogs with allergies. (Only occasionally will there be an allergic reaction where these products are applied.) Frontline also works on ticks. Revolution is even better, killing ticks, ear mites, and the mites responsible for that itchy skin problem, demodectic mange. Revolution also replaces heartworm preventive. 

Originally published in Good Dog! Magazine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Plants Poisonous to Cats

Cats are curious creatures, and because they can’t handle things with their paws the way we can with our hands, they often use their noses and mouths to learn more about the world around them. There are many plants that could be dangerous, even poisonous, for our cats, so it’s important to keep those plants out of our yards, and especially out of our homes. For a comprehensive list of these dangerous plants, we invite you to visit the ASPCA article attached!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Your dog's mental and physical fitness

n order to be well-adjusted pets, dogs need both mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis. The desire to "keep busy" is deeply ingrained in the majority of dogs.

Working, hunting, herding and guarding breeds are not the only ones with this need. Even small breeds of dogs retain a certain amount of work ethic--for example, a Yorkie with bows in its hair is still a terrier, and their owners know that these tiny guys still enjoy terrier-type behaviors, such as chasing and digging.

If not given an outlet for their energy, dogs of any size can become destructive, anxious or frustrated, causing numerous behavior problems.

Getting your dog the exercise he needs
So how much does exercise does your dog truly need? There's no concrete answer, but he needs enough exercise to feel genuinely tired. Most healthy dogs will benefit from exercise sessions both morning and evening. A safe, fenced area for off-leash exercise is ideal, but if you do not have access to this, snap a 20-30 foot long line on your dog to keep him safe and make sure he will come to you when exercising outdoors.

Unless your dog has a medical condition requiring limited exercise, then make at least one of your dog's outings an aerobic activity. Playing with other dogs off-leash in a fenced area, swimming, playing fetch or running beside a jogger or biker are all excellent aerobic exercises.

If you do not have a suitable outdoor area, train your dog to run on a treadmill, starting with just a few minutes, gradually working up to a 30 minute exercise session. Exercise of this nature will release endorphins which will have an overall calming effect on your dog's behavior, as well as many other health benefits.

Puppy-safe activities
Activities suited for adult dogs may not be safe for growing puppies. Playing is the best choice for a pup, whether it's off-leash with other dogs, or playing fetch or other games with their owner.

Jogging or biking on pavement are not safe exercises for young dogs whose bones are not fully formed. If you have any questions about whether or not a particular type of exercise is safe for your dog, check with your veterinarian.

Keeping Fido sharp

Don't forget mental stimulation! Training sessions keep a dog's brain sharp, as well as help develop the proper relationship between dog and owner. You should take steps to avoid boring or repetitive methods--training can include such activities as tricks or simple agility exercises, even playing games. Short training sessions are best, intermingled with play or rest sessions.

You can also use dinner time to expend mental and physical energy. Put your dog's regular kibble in a toy designed to provide mental stimulation, such as a Buster Cube or a Kong toy.

If you don't mind a small amount of clean-up, another way to add more fun for the dog is to cap a Kong that has been stuffed with kibble and treats with some cream cheese and put it in the freezer. Once frozen, place it in a paper (not plastic) bag with a chew stick and a treat or two. Dogs really love this fun way of working for their food and in the process more energy is spent, thereby helping insure a better behaved dog!

Article originally posted by the ASPCA and adapted by Dogtime.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pets: Good for Your Health?

There's no doubt that Americans love their pets. A new survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) shows that more than 57 percent of U.S. households own one or more animals. But can having pets actually provide health benefits? Yes, say experts, as long as you're not allergic to animals or terrified of them. "Pet ownership is good for your health both physically and psychologically," says Connecticut psychologist Herbert Nieburg, author of "Pet Loss: A Thoughtful Guide for Adults and Children" (HarperCollins).
Sure, pets provide companionship and unconditional love. But research has shown that they can also help reduce stress and blood pressure in owners, increase longevity in those who've had heart attacks, and even relax and improve the appetites of Alzheimer's patients. "Any disease condition that has a stress-related component to it, we believe pets could ameliorate stress and moderate the situation," says biologist Erika Friedmann, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. "It's providing a focus of attention that's outside of someone's self. They're actually letting you focus on them rather than focusing inward on yourself all the time."
Many four-legged pets, especially dogs, can also get owners off the couch. "They're there to greet you when you come home at the end of the day, and they're ready for some play and attention," says veterinarian Scott Line, associate editor of the "Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health." "They need to exercise, so it propels people out the door." These walks also force pet owners to socialize instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves, which can help improve their mood. "It gives people a routine, a thing to do. You have to get up and take care of the dog. You can't lie in bed all day," says Friedmann.
Those walks can also help owners stick to a regular exercise routine and slim down. Rebecca Johnson, director of the Research Center for Human Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri's College of Veterinary Medicine, has been studying 18-to-87-year-olds in the "Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound" program in Columbia, Mo., in which participants take shelter dogs for a walk each Saturday morning. "They lost weight, they felt great, and they were doing something wonderful," Johnson says.
Pets can help prevent loneliness, too. Indeed, the AVMA survey found that nearly half of respondents considered their pets to be companions; only about 2 percent considered them to be property. "The human-animal bond is becoming increasingly strong in our society," says veterinarian and veterinary surgeon Kimberly May of the AVMA. In fact, Alan Beck, director of the Center for Human-Animal Bond at Purdue University, found in a study that 97 percent of people talk to their pets. "The other 3 percent lied," he quips.
Families with allergies can still get a pet if they can commit to allergy shots. But those shots typically need to be taken every week for about half a year and then every two to four weeks after that. They require a significant time commitment and should be discussed with an allergist, says Dr. Mitchell Lester, an executive committee member of the American Academy of Pediatrics's allergy and immunology section. Families may choose furless and featherless pets instead, like turtles, iguanas, fish and snakes. Though, of course, it's tough to "cuddle up with a snake in front of a TV," says Lester.
Another option for kids with allergies who want a pet? Bring home a stuffed animal instead. A study in the January issue of the AAP journal Pediatrics found that a "Huggy-Puppy" doll actually eased the stress and improved outcomes for 2-to-7-year-old children in Israel who were exposed to violence during the Israeli-Lebanon war in 2006. (And stuffed pets won't make a mess on your floor!)
If you opt for a live animal, make sure to do plenty of research before you bring one home, and choose one whose personality, size and requirements fit your needs, abilities and living situation. And don't think adding more pets will bring more health benefits. Beck says that for many people one or two is plenty—more animals do not mean more health (often, just more responsibilities). Finally, as many benefits as pets bring, it's important not to become too dependent on those animal companions, cautions psychologist Alan Entin, past president of the American Psychological Association's division of family psychology. Though they make great companions, in the end pets are still no substitute for human friends and family.

Originally published in Newsweek.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ear Infections

Have you seen your dog shaking their head or scratching behind their ears? These are signs of ear infections, which occur most often in the summertime. Dogs who swim or have baths often in the summer need to have their ears dried with a soft cloth, especially if they have heavy ear flaps that keep the air out. Ear infections can also be the result of allergies to food or the outdoor environment. Look inside your dog’s ear, and if you see anything other than a clean, pink, healthy ear, it’s important to bring them in for immediate veterinary care. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pet Appreciation Week

Did you know that this week is Pet Appreciation Week? This week has been set aside in appreciation of the pets in our lives. This is the week to pamper your pet for all that they bring into your life. We encourage pet owners to take a little extra time with your pet this week to show them that you appreciate their companionship in life.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Top 10 Things To Do Before Bringing Your New Cat Home

Congratulations, the cat's out of the bag! You've just entered into a wonderful relationship that's bound to be filled with fun and affection. By starting off on the right foot—that is, by being well-prepared for your new arrival—you can move through that rocky adjustment period most new relationships go through and get right down to the lovin'!

1. Make Sure Everyone In The House Is Prepared To Have A Cat

Talk to your family members before bringing a new cat home. Make sure everyone knows that the fun begins only after kitty feels safe and her needs are met. Once you're sure everyone is ready for feeding, litter changing and grooming, you can divvy up chores among family members so everyone is prepared to care for kitty before she arrives.

2. Do You Know What Your Cat Is Trying To Tell You?

The average cat has a vocabulary of more than 16 different sounds, including purring, howling, hissing and meowing—not to mention a wide-range of playful and serious body language. Taking a glance at our Cat Care section will help you understand your cat's behavior before you're faced with her mysterious cat calls, pouncing and nocturnal romps.

3. Stock Up On Supplies Before Kitty Arrives

Have all of your cat's needs ready so she can get right down to the business of making herself at home. Kitty will need:
  • A litter box and the brand of litter she's been using
  • Food and water bowls and the food she's used to eating
  • A sturdy, rough-textured scratching post—at least three feet high—that allows her to stretch completely while scratching
  • Safe, stimulating toys. Hint: If you give her toys that make noises, you'll know when she's playing.
  • A bed lined with a soft, warm blanket or towel
  • Grooming tools: a high-quality brush and nail clipper are a good start

4. Identity Is Key

Proper identification is a necessity. If your kitty is indoors-only, an ID tag or implanted microchip will help ensure she'll be returned to you if she gets out and can't find her way home. A safety collar with an elastic panel will allow your cat to break loose if the collar gets caught on something. We caution against letting cats outdoors, but if you do—or if a window or door is left open—a safety collar and an ID tag may be what bring your missing cat home.

5. A Room Of One's Own

Choose a low-traffic room your kids and other pets don't frequent—this will be your cat's safe space to sniff, eat, scratch and play while she gets her bearings. Arrange her food and water bowls, bed and litter box—and scatter her toys around. You can even clean off a windowsill for her and have soft music playing. She'll appreciate the chance to feel out her new family from inside her haven.

6. Routine Behavior

Give your cat a little structure to lean on. For the first few weeks, provide him with the same kind of food and feeding schedule he had before living with you—and give him the same brand of litter, too, for a familiar scent and feel on his paws. Later on, if you wish to switch to different products, you can make a slow transition.

7. What's New, Pussycat?

With a whole new life in store for her, Kitty will need some time and space to check out her surroundings and all of her new play things. Give her time alone in her room to get comfortable before you come in to play with her. If you have other pets, it's a good idea to leave your new cat in her own room for a few days will allow the other animals in the house to get used to her sounds and scent. (Hint: Watch from the door to see how she leaves her carrier. Whether she pussyfoots into a dark corner or zooms out into the room, you'll know how she feels about her new surroundings.)

8. Introducing Kitty To The Pack

Go slow at first. A cat may need seven to fourteen days to relax into her new environment. If you have kids, let them introduce themselves one at a time. Hold up on the meet-and-greets with friends, neighbors and relatives until your kitty is eating and eliminating on a normal schedule. If you have other pets, don't let your new addition have free run of the house. This is the territory of the animals who have lived with you already. Allow all of your pets to meet in the new cat's territory—and make sure you're there to supervise.

9. Cat-Proof Your Home

When your cat is ready to explore the rest of her new home (for short excursions at first), be sure to get rid of stray items she might chew on or swallow, like toilet paper, tissues and paper towels. Pens and pencils may need to be kept in drawers. You may also have to tape wires to baseboards and put caps on outlets.
Put away harsh cleaning products, human medications and household poisons, and rehome any houseplants that might be toxic to her. Make sure foods that aren't healthy for a cat's tummy are placed securely out of reach.

10. Visit The Vet Within Her First Week

Last but not least, bring your new feline to a caring veterinarian for a wellness exam within one week after adoption. Make this appointment even before you bring your kitty home.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pets & Potting Soil

If your indoor cat likes to play in potting soil – be sure to put them on a parasite preventative because 15% of potting soils harbor round worm! Roundworms can be a health risk for humans so bring in a fresh fecal sample to be tested and get your pet is on a parasite preventative today!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Heartworm & Pets

Warm weather means the return of mosquitoes and the heartworm disease that they carry. Because a single bite from a mosquito could transmit the deadly heartworm parasite to your pet, it’s important that your pet stay on a heartworm preventative at all times. We can’t prevent the mosquitoes from biting, but we can prevent their harmful effects. We would love to discuss heartworm prevention for your pet!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pets & Cookouts

Did you know that some of the most common foods we eat during our cookouts are the most dangerous foods for our pets? Meat with bones in it, such as chicken and ribs, are extremely dangerous for our pets to get a hold of and bones can puncture the stomach and other organs if swallowed because they cannot be digested. Corn-on-the-cob can also be dangerous because dogs have been known to swallow the cob whole! What do you do to keep your dog busy with something else during the barbeque?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Poison Prevention Week

Chocolate, Macadamia nuts, avocados…these foods may sound delicious to you, but they’re actually quite dangerous for our animal companions. Nutrition experts from ASPCA have put together a handy list of the top toxic people foods to avoid feeding your pet.

Chocolate, Coffee, Caffeine

These products all contain substances called methylxanthines, which are found in cacao seeds, the fruit of the plant used to make coffee and in the nuts of an extract used in some sodas. When ingested by pets, methylxanthines can cause vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death. Note that darker chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest level of methylxanthines, while baking chocolate contains the highest.


Alcoholic beverages and food products containing alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma and even death.


The leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain Persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Birds and rodents are especially sensitive to avocado poisoning, and can develop congestion, difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation around the heart. Some ingestions may even be fatal.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are commonly used in many cookies and candies. However, they can cause problems for your canine companion. These nuts have caused weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs. Signs usually appear within 12 hours of ingestion and last approximately 12 to 48 hours.

Grapes & Raisins

Although the toxic substance within grapes and raisins is unknown, these fruits can cause kidney failure. In pets who already have certain health problems, signs may be more dramatic.

Yeast Dough

Yeast dough can rise and cause gas to accumulate in your pet’s digestive system. This can be painful and can cause the stomach or intestines to rupture. Because the risk diminishes after the dough is cooked and the yeast has fully risen, pets can have small bits of bread as treats. However, these treats should not constitute more than 5 percent to 10 percent of your pet’s daily caloric intake.

Raw/Undercooked Meat, Eggs and Bones

Raw meat and raw eggs can contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli that can be harmful to pets. In addition, raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin that decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), which can lead to skin and coat problems. Feeding your pet raw bones may seem like a natural and healthy option that might occur if your pet lived in the wild. However, this can be very dangerous for a domestic pet, who might choke on bones, or sustain a grave injury should the bone splinter and become lodged in or puncture your pet’s digestive tract.


Xylitol is used as a sweetener in many products, including gum, candy, baked goods and toothpaste. It can cause insulin release in most species, which can lead to liver failure. The increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels). Initial signs of toxicosis include vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination. Signs can progress to recumbancy and seizures. Elevated liver enzymes and liver failure can be seen within a few days.

Onions, Garlic, Chives

These vegetables and herbs can cause gastrointestinal irritation and could lead to red blood cell damage. Although cats are more susceptible, dogs are also at risk if a large enough amount is consumed. Toxicity is normally diagnosed through history, clinical signs and microscopic confirmation of Heinz bodies. An occasional low dose, such as what might be found in pet foods or treats, likely will not cause a problem, but we recommend that you do NOT give your pets large quantities of these foods.


Because pets do not possess significant amounts of lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk), milk and other milk-based products cause them diarrhea or other digestive upset.


Large amounts of salt can produce excessive thirst and urination, or even sodium ion poisoning in pets. Signs that your pet may have eaten too many salty foods include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures and even death. In other words, keep those salty chips to yourself!

Friday, March 2, 2012

March is Poison Prevention Month

March is Poison Prevention Month. Did you know that some of the most common household items that poison pets include human medication, both prescription and over the counter? With over 25,000 reported cases of pets poisoned by eating human medicine, it’s important to exercise extreme caution when it comes to storing these items! Keep your medications high up on shelves and closed inside cabinets, where your pet cannot access them. It’s also important to open bottles over counters so that any dropped pills don’t end up on the floor where they can be snapped up by a curious pet. Use precaution, and give your pet a long, healthy life.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pets and Chocolate

A box of chocolates can make your heart swoon! But it can be dangerous to your pet. Remember this fact: dark = dangerous! The darker and more bitter the chocolate, the more theobromine, a chemical similar to caffeine that’s highly toxic to dogs and cats, it contains. Meaning that baker’s chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, and gourmet dark chocolates are the most dangerous.